Check if a number is a power of another number

Check if a number is a power of another number

Input:  x = 10, y = 1
Output: True
x^0 = 1

Input:  x = 10, y = 1000
Output: True
x^3 = 1

Input:  x = 10, y = 1001
Output: False


package sap;

public class Power {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        int x = 27, y = 729;
        int val = (int)Math.log(y)/ (int)Math.log(x);
        double res = Math.log(y)/Math.log(x);
        if(val == res){
            System.out.println(x+" can be expressed as a power of "+y);
            System.out.println(x +" cannot be expressed as a power of "+y);



27 can be expressed as a power of 729


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